Japanese Salty Umami, Giant Pretz (ジャイアント プリッツ) !

Salty Umami Japanese snacks (not sweet taste)

Did you know about the rare local Pretz items? Find your favorite Pretz among them. Japan has 3 kinds of delicious giant Pretz (ジャイアント プリッツ) items. If you love salty snacks, you should definitely try them. Many Japanese love such a salty taste better than a sweet taste.

Giant Pretz is a big pretzel-like stick which is approximately 21cm(8.5 inch) long, so it is very filling. I am pleased to introduce to you 3 kinds of salty giant Pretz’s tastes.

These items have a common point, – plenty of umami salt dusted on the surface of Pretz. Please pay attention to the surface.

“Giant Pretz (ジャイアント プリッツ) with a Beef Flavor”

The salt contains beef umami and spicy miso taste.


“Giant Pretz with Hakata-brand Mentaiko(Spicy Caviar) Taste”

(Mentaiko is salted cod roe ‘caviar’ spiced with red pepper) The red color salt contains Mentaiko caviar exclusively from Fukuoka prefecture. Can you see them on the surface?


 “Giant Pretz with Naniwa popular Takoyaki (octopus ball taste)”

The salt contains green dried seaweed and pickled red ginger, and they are dusted on the surface of Pretz.
In addition, sauce flavor is added as the final touch.
Please look closely at it, we can smell slightly green dried seaweeds and pickled red gingers.


How saltiness! After having eaten only hard salty taste, don’t you want to eat a slightly Japanese sweet ?

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Hi everyone! My name is “Yushi”. I am a baby boy. I am introducing some popular wagashi, local confection,etc. My mom writes articles, illustrations and takes some pictures instead of me. I will be happy if my articles can help people who love Japanese snacks, and people who want to know Japanese confectionery.

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